On This Day in July
The Dog Days of Summer, the month of July is named in tribute to Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman General during the Roman Empire.
Monthly Observances National Hot Dog Month, & National Ice Cream Month. July celebrations starts out on the 1st with Canada Day, July 2nd is World UFO day, American Independence Day on the 4th, 27th is National Sleepy Head Day, & on the 29th International Tiger Day. Historical events 17th 2010 RJZTV hits the internet , 20 1969 Neil Armstrong becomes the first man on the moon. 22nd 1959 Plan 9 from Outer Space hits theatres directed by Ed Wood.
Birthdays in July 10 1958 Bela Fleck master musician 23rd Woody Harrelson Actor 26th 1943 Mick Jagger musician founding member of The Rolling Stones.
Birthstone: Ruby
Flowers: Larkspur & the Water Lily