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DAY 41 - 50

DAY 41 - 50 of the 100 Day Project Mod Podge / Collage edition Last Card Sports Card Edition, a light switch cover, a a tripping up to the cottage, where I used old wood, paint, sticks, flowers, Bin Laden and some Fairy Dust. Finally a Scene from a made up action movie.

DAY 41 FREEDOM - added images I relate to freedom like plastic pink flamingos, people dancing, kids making a snowman, riding a dirt bike, also added a few images that take away our freedoms. Day 42 Light Switch from my kitchen light switch cover, the RJZTV logo, E.T., & Beastie Boys. 43 Last Card Sports Cards. Day 44 - 45 The Ground - Was working up at the cottage, took a canvas and some Mod Podge and Triple Thick and used what was around me like sticks, tree bark, acorns, & dandelions . Day 46 Tripping on Fairy Dust, found an old wooden board along with some old magazines that were going to be used for a campfire, the next morning, I added streaks of old leftover stain. Day 47 Dead or Alive a torn photo of Bin Laden separated by a crack in an old piece of wood I had painted with a weird can paint (stain & latex paint mix) can of paint found while organizing paint. 48 - 49 Last Card Sport Cards..Day 50 Live Deadly Scene from a made up action movie.


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