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Day 11 - 20 This year my 100 Day Project theme is Collage using Mod Podge, as for my canvas: a Wine Bottle, Playing Cards, a Bucket and Strips Magnet. The Media I’m using is magazines, comic books, headlines, wrappers & water colored pencils

Day 11 Last Card where I used headlines & photos from magazines & comics on a pack of playing cards. Day 12 I was looking for something a little different to create a collage on so while looking around my apartment, I picked up an empty wine bottle as I was about to put it in my Bottle return Bucket, I decided let me see how Mod Podge works on glass & it work fabulous but sometimes you need to hold down the paper for a 30 seconds so it doesn’t pop off. Day 13 I broke out some water coloured pencils which I have never used & have had laying around for years, I drew, painted, cut paper into strips, then Mod Podged onto the wine bottle. Day 14 / 15 was back to the Last Card. Day 16 Used magnet strips & Mod Podged magazine photos of Kurt Cobain & Biggie Smalls onto the magnetic Strips . Day 17 More Last Card. Day 18 / 19 The Bucket staring off Mod Podging photos of water sea life Sharks, Jaws, & Penguins this will be an ongoing project I have a few ideas. You will all see how it all turns out. Day 20 Canoeing in the sunset using Watercolour Pencils.

The video was made on Blender 2.8 video editor, music is the first beat I made using LLMS also first time I used it.

To follow along on my daily post got o my Instagram RJZTV.


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