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100 DAY PROJECT DAY 61 -70

The 100 Day Project Day 60 to 70 Mod Podge / Collage edition. I wanted to work on a larger scale, so I found a plastic piece of Canvas which I cut in half for two separate pieces Z and Phase. Used more mixed-media like paint, gold spray paint, some old artwork, and unwanted Art. I also experimented with doing a time lapse for part of the video, which was edited on blender, and created the music using LMMS.

Day 61 - 63 continuing to work on project Z by adding layers of dialogue & phrases. From comics , magazines, and books. Day 64 - 70 I started a new project and was working in a garage for now I'm calling this Phase using a plastic campus board, which I painted Green, gold spray paint, they created a border with cut off pieces disregarded from other projects, then I added a stem from a jalapeno plant I had grown last year, then went over everything with the golden spray paint. Then I started adding Photos for magazines, newspapers, comics, and I also added some old pieces of artwork, then I spray painted a layer of gold. The garage was a neat place to work. I also experimented by making a time lapse of working on the project. For the next few days I kept adding to both pieces project Z and Phase. These projects Z & Phase I'll be continuing to add layers.


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