Naughty & Nice Christmas
Film List
70's TV Show Christmas Specials
Happy Days

"Guess Who's Coming to Christmas"
Aired on December 17 1974
Directed by Frank Buxton
Starred Ron Howard - Richie Cunningham, Henry Winkler - Arthur 'Fonzie' Fonzarelli, Marion Ross - Marion Cunningham , Erin Moran - Joanie Cunningham Tom Bosley - Howard Cunningham & Anson Williams - Potsie Weber, Don Most - Ralph Malph
Howard Cunningham wants an family only Christmas, but when Richie discovers Arthur “Fonzie” Fonzarelli is going to be alone on Christmas wind up inviting him over Christmas.
Tell It To The Marines

SEASON 3 EPISODE 15 aired on December 16 1975 Directed by Jerry
Ralph Malph girlfriend Olivia played by Amy Irving dumps him so he joins the Marines, the Fonzie has tell him to change his mind
Richie Branches Out
Season 4 Episode 11 first aired December 7, 1976 Director by Jerry Paris
Richie tries to pick up the girl of his dream, who is a model Angela played by Paulette Breen.
Welcome Back Kotter

S2E12: "Hark, the Sweatkings
Aired on December 23 1976, Directed by Bob LaHendro Starring Game Kaplan as Mr.Gabe Kotter, Marcia Strassman as Mrs.Julie Kotter, Robert Hegyges - Juan Epstein, Lawrence-Hilton Jacobs - Freddie “Boom Boom” Washington, Ron Palillo - Arnold Horseback, John Travolta - Vinnie Barbarino
The Sweathogs try to help a local homeless man get back on his feet.
A Sweathog Christmas special

Season 3 Episode 15 aired on December 15 1977 Directed by Mel Stuart .
The Sweathogs crash the Kotters Christmas, and reminisce good times that shared in the past.
A Winters Coat Tale

Season 4 Episode 3 aired on December 16 1978 Directed by Norman Abbott
Vinnie Barbarino buys himself a coat that makes feel like the coolest cat on the block.
#ChristmasFilmList #NaughtyNiceChristmasFilmList #TVChristmasSpecials #70sTVChristmasSpecials #HappyDays #GuessWhosComingtoChristmas #FrankBuxton #RonHoward #HenryWinkler #MarionRoss #ErinMoran #TomBosley #Fonzie #Christmas #NaughtyandNice #WelcomeBackKotter #S2E12HarktheSweatkings #HarktheSweatkings #BobLaHendro #GameKaplan #MrGabeKotter #MrKotter #MarciaStrassman #RobertHegyges #RobertHegygesJuanEpstein #JuanEpstein #LawrenceHiltonJacobsFreddieBoomBoomWashi #LawrenceHiltonJacobs #FreddieBoomBoomWashi #RonPalilloArnoldHorseback #RonPalillo #ArnoldHorseback #VinnieBarbarino #JohnTravolta #ASweathogChristmasspecial #AWintersCoatTale