August 16
Roller Coaster Day
Rum Day
1930 The animated short Fiddlesticks the fist with colour & sounds debuts.
1954 The 1st issue of magazine Sports Illustrated hits news stands

1956 Bela Lugosi actor passes away 4 days during a film shoot of Plan 9 From Outer Space
1956 Ella and Louis album is released
1962 Ringo Starr becomes the new drummer for The Beatles
1965 Miami Dolphins are become the 1st AFL expansion team,
1969 Woodstock Day 2 Santana, Canned Heat, Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin perform.
1974 At CBGBs The Ramones first concert
1985 Sean Penn marries Madonna
1989 Uncle Buck hits movie theaters
1994 The Barenaked Ladies release the album Maybe You Should Drive
2008 At the Beijing Summer Games Usain Bolt set 100 metre dash record of 9.69
Happy Birthday
1937 Julie Newmar actress played Catwomen Batman.

1937 Uncle Elmer WWE wrestler
1953 Kathie Lee Gifford Talk show hostess
1954 James Cameron film director of films The Terminator, Rambo 2, Aliens, The Abyss, Titanic, Avatar
1958 Madonna pop star actress
1958 Angela Bassett actress in Strange Days, Bumblebee, BoJack Horseman & Boyz n the Hood
1962 Steve Carell comedian, actor, TV personality
1972 George Stroumboulopoulos, TV host
1980 Vanessa Carlton musician
1981 Taylor Rain Porn Star
1985 Arden Cho actress
1986 William Morrissey aka Big Cass WWE Superstar
#August16 #August #animated #cartoon #sports #SportsIllustrated #belalugosi #RingoStarr #thebeatles #bohemianrhapsody #MiamiDolphins #AFL #nfl #football #Woodstock #CannedHeat #GratefulDead #Santana #JanisJoplin #TheRamones #SennPenn #Madonna #Olympics #UsainBolt #wwe #WWF #JamesCameron #SteveCarell #VanessaCarlton #barenakedladies #JulieNewmar #Batman #batman #StrangeDays #AngelaBassett #Bumblebee #Transformers #BoJackHorseman #boyzinthehood