On This Day November 24
Evolution Day
1859 The Origin of Species written by Charles Darwin is published.

1892 Canada's 3rd Prime Minister John Abbott resigns due to Brain Cancer, Sir John Thompson would be appointed as Canada's 4th Prime Minister
1948 The Bicycle Thieves is Released directed by Vittorio DE Sica.
1934 The Sarnia Imperials win the Grey Cup in score of 20 - 12 beating the Regina Roughriders
1963 Lee Harvey Oswald is murdered on live TV by Jack Ruby
1951 In The 39th Grey Cup the Rough Riders beat the Roughriders 21 - 14.
1956 Edmonton Eskimos defeat the Montreal Alouettes to win the #44th Grey Cup
1988 The 2nd annual WWE Survivor Series takes place The team of The Mega powers Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage survive to defeat the Team of Ted DiBiase
1991 At the 79th Grey Cup The Toronto Argo's lead by the Rocket Ismail would go on to defeat the Calgary Stampeders by a score of 36 - 21
1992 Kool G Rap & DJ Polo release the album Live and Let Die.
1993 WWE Survivor Series 93 the team of The All-Americans beat The Foreign Fanatics
1998 RZA releases the album Bobby Digital.
2013 WWE Survivor Series 13 Randy Orton retains the WWE belt by pining the Big Show.
Happy Birthday
1941 Pete Best was the original Drummer for The Beatles
1942 Billy Connolly comedian actor in The Hobbit, The X-Files, & The Boondock Saints
1965 Shirley Henderson actress starred in Harry Potter, Trainspotting & 24 Hour Party People.

1970 Rush Parrish aka Satchel plays guitar in the band Steel Panther.
1977 Colin Hanks actor starred in The House Bunny, King Kong, Dextor & Fargo.
1978 Katherine Heigl actress starred in Suits, Bride of Chucky, Under Siege 2: Dark Territory & The Nut Job 1 & 2

1980 Beth Phoenix wrestler 4 x divas champion

1990 Sarah Hyland actress starred in Howard Stern Private Parts, Vampire Academy, Satanic & Modern Family.

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