On this Day
December 12
1787 Pennsylvania is the 2nd state a ratify the constitution of the us
1800 Washington DC is established as the Capital of US
1955 The Hovercraft is patented by Christopher Cockerell

1999 WWF Armageddon '99 Chris Jericho
submits China to win the Intercontinental Title
2003 Paul Martin becomes Canada's 21st Prime Minister
Happy Birthday
1900 Sammy Davis Sr. Actor, Dancer
1915 Frank Sinatra old blue eyes actor, Singer, Rat Pack
1923 Bob Baker Game Show host of Price is Right
1940 Dionne Warwick Singer, Actor
1950 Billy Smith NHL goalie great, 4 x Stanley Cup Champion, Hockey Hall of Fame

1966 Selen actress
1966 Ultimo Dragon wrestler

1968 Sabu wrestler
1970 Regina Hall Actress Scary Movie

1996 Morgan Eastwood actress in the film Million Dollar Baby daughter of Clint Eastwood
