On This Day
December 15
Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
International Tea Day
1913 In Toronto the Yonge st. Theatre now the Elgin and Winter Garden Theatres opens

1917 The first NHL exhibition game between The Montreal Canadiens vs Montreal Wanderers to benefit the Halifax Explosion

1925 Madison Square Gardens hosts it’s first hockey game where the Montreal Canadiens 3 beat New York Americans 1
1939 Gone with the Wind directed by Victor Fleming starring Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh premieres.
1964 The Flag of Canada new design is voted in the house of commons

1966 Walt Disney passes away at 65
1979 The board game Trivial Pursuit hits store shelves.

2013 WWE TLC the WWE Heavy Weight Title & World Heavyweight Champion are united when Randy Orton beat John Cena

Happy Birthday
37 Nero Roman Emperor

1942 Dave Clark musician The Dave Clark Five
1949 Don Johnson Actor Miami Vice

1956 William Orbit Musician DJ
1979 Eric Young Wrestler

1982 Charlie Thomas Cox actor starred in Boardwalk Empire, The Theory of Everything, The Defenders & Daredevil

1982 Tracy EleventhGorgeous Youtuber
1983 Camilla Luddington actress in Grey's Anatomy, Tomb Raider & Californication

1984 Amy Holt actress in If Women Ruled the World & A Doggone Christmas

1986 Snejana Onopka Model

1992 Jesse Lingard Footballer plays for Manchester United

1995 Bethan Leadley Youtuber
1997 Magdalena Fręch Tennis Player

#december #onthisday #thisdayinhistory #nhl #montrealcanadiens #ElginTheather #canada #ManchesterUntied #ElginandWinterGardenTheatres #MadisonSquareGardens #GonewiththeWind #Canada #waltdisney #TrivialPursuit #WWETLC #WWEHeavyWeightTitle #WorldHeavyWeightChampion #RandyOrton #JohnCena #DonJohnson #EricYoung #Daredevil #CamillaLuddington