On This Day
December 16
1773 The Boston Tea Party Takes place.
1950 Jean Beilveau & Boom Boom Berine Geffrion of the Montreal Canadians play their first NHL game Boom Boom also scores his first goal.
1966 Jimi Hendrix releases the song Hey Joe
1977 The Bee Gees How deep is your love is certified gold
1992 Chaplin premiers in London Directed by Richard Attenborough Starring Robert Downey Jr.
2007 WWE Armageddon '07 Edge wins World Heavyweight Championship in a Triple Treat match over Batista & Undertaker.
2010 Larry King Live airs it’s last episode after 25 years
Happy Birthday
1770 Ludwig van Beethoven Classic Composer
1917 Arthur C. Clarke author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, 2010: Odyssey Two, Space travel & Futurism
1967 Miranda Otto actress 24: Legacy, I, Frankenstein , War of the Worlds & The Thin Red Line.
1967 Donovan Bailey athlete sprinter 2 x Gold medalist for 100 meter & relay for Canada at the 1996 Olympics.
1971 Paul Van Dyk DJ
1975 Benjamin Kowalexicz Musician Billy Talent
1979 Brodie Lee aka Luke Harper Pro Wrestler Leader of the Dark Order for AEW 1 x AEW TNT Champ, 1 x Intercontinental Champ, 2 x WWE SmackDown rag Team Champ.

1981 Krysten Ritter actress started in Jessica Jones, Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 & The Defenders
1981 Anna Sedokova model

1986 Candice Crawford Model

1988 Hannah Selleck actress Instagram model, Equestrian rider
1992 Catharine Daddario Instagram Model
1997 Zara Larsson pop singer
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