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February 16

1900 Montreal Shamrocks win the Stanley cup over the Winnipeg Victorias

1937 Nylon is patented by DuPont

1959 Fidel Castro becomes Premier of Cuba

1960 The National Gallery of Canada open in Ottawa Ontario Canada

1974 Elton John releases the song Bennie and the Jets

1993 Tupac release the album Strictly For My N.I.G.G.A.Z

1996 Happy Gilmore open in movie theaters starring Adam Sandler

1997 Bret Hart wins the WWF

Heavyweight Championship in a Fatal four way over Steve Austin, The Undertaker, & Vader.

2005 Gary Bettman cancels the 2004-2005 NHL season

Happy Birthday

1935 Sonny Bono singer, actor

1953 Lanny McDonald Hockey hall of F ammer 1992, 1 X Stanley Cup Champion

1958 ICE-T Rapper, Actor

1982 Lupe Fiasco Rapper

1990 The Weekend rapper


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