On This Day
March 12
Plant A Flower Day
1894 You can now buy Coca-Cola in bottles by Joseph Biedenharn in Vicksburg, Mississippi

1912 Girl Scouts original named the Girl Guides are formed
1919 The Eaton's Fashion parade celebrating the companies 15 years in business
1969 The Grammy Awards take place Mrs. Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel wins record of the year
1983 Run DMC release the singles It's Like That & Sucker MC's.
1993 CB4 is released in movie theaters starring Chris Rock, Charlie Murphy

1998 Ghetto Boys Release the album Grip It! On That Other Level
Happy Birthday
1834 William Lyon Mackenzie 1st Mayor of Toronto
1922 Jack Kerouac author On the Road

1923 Mae Young female wrestler WWE Hall Of Fame
1957 Marlon Jackson singer in The Jackson 5
1962 Darryl Strawberry MLB baseball player Please for the New York Mets, LA Dodgers, San Francisco Giants & the New York Yankees 4 x World Series champion
1969 Graham Coxon musician in the band Blur
1979 Pete Doherty Musician The Libertines & Babyshambles
1994 Hana Giraldo
1998 Taylor Johnson Instagram Model
#onthisday #thisdayinhistory #happybirthday #march #michaeljackson #ChrisRock #CharlieMurphy #PlantAFlowerDay #CocaCola #GrammyAwards #rundmc #CB4 #GhettoBoys #WilliamLyonMackenzie #JackKerouac #MaeYoung #RonTheHedgehogJeremy #DarrylStrawberry #newyorkmets #ladodgers #SanFranciscoGiants #newyorkyankees #Blur