On this day
March 19
Chocolate Caramel Day
1914 The ROM Royal Ontario Museum opens in Toronto
1914 Toronto Blueshirts win the Stanley Cup over Victoria Capitals.
1984 The TV show Kate & Allie make it’s debut
1987 DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince release the album Rock the House.
1990 The first women international hockey tournament takes place
1996 The Barenaked Ladies release the Born on a Pirate Ship
2001 Monday Night Raw The Hardy Boys lose the WWE Tag Team Team Titles to Edge and Christian, with interference by Rhyno, later on the show wind up losing the titles to the Dudley Boyz
2004 Dawn of the Dead the remake directed by Zack Snyder
2011 The first MLS game for the Vancouver Whitecaps beating it be Toronto FC 4-2
Happy Birthday
1848 Wyatt Earp Sheriff at the OK Coral
1930 Buzz Aldrin NASA astronaut second person to walk on the moon

1936 Ursula Andress actress in James Bond films Dr. No, & Casino Royale.

1946 David Lynch director Twin Peaks, Lost Highway
1952 Paul Stanley musician in the band Kiss
1955 Bruce Willis actor Die Hard series, Pulp Fiction, 16 Blocks, & Moonlighting
1956 Bill Maher tv host
1968 Melissa Rivers TV personality

1971 Questlove musician in the band The Roots & on The Tonight Show Starring Jim Fallon
1981 Crystal Lowe actress
1987 A.J. Lee wrestler actress
1988 iHasCupquake gamer & You Tuber
1990 Maddy Hill actress in EastEenders
1995 Paige Danielle YouTuber
#march #onthisday #thisdayinhistory #happybirthday #nasa #barenakedladies #BenStiller #ROM #RoyalOntarioMuseum #TorontoBlueshirts #StanleyCup #OldArizona #DJJazzyJeff #FreshPrince #WillSmith #BarenakedLadies #MondayNightRaw #TheHardyBoys #EdgeandChristian #DudleyBoyz #MLS #VancouverWhitecaps #TorontoFC #WyattEarp #BuzzAldrin #NASA #astronaut #JamesBond #007 #DavidLynch #TwinPeaks #PaulStanley #Kiss #BruceWillis #Questlove #TheRoots #EastEenders
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