This day in history
March 7
1857 Baseball adds the 9 innings rule to the game
1876 The Telephone is patented by Alexander Graham Bell
1900 Montreal Shamrocks win the Stanley Cup Champion over the Halifax Crescents
1933 King Kong premieres in New York
1962 On the BBC radio show Here we go The Beatles make their first live recorded performance
1985 We are the world a song written by Michael Jackson, featuring Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, Kenny Rogers, Billy Joel, Diana Ross, Willie Nelson, Bruce Springsteen, Cyndi Lauper, Bob Dylan, Ray Charles, Dan Aykroyd, Bette Midler & many more is released
1986 99 Wayne Gretzky of the Edmonton Oilers breaks NHL single season asst in record 136, we would finish the season whit 163
1995 DR. Dre Releases is the single Keep Their Heads Ringin, A Song from the film Friday.
Happy Birthday
1956 Bryan Cranston actor starred in Breaking Bad, Malcolm in the Middle,
Seinfeld & The Simpsons
1960 Joe Carter Major league baseball player Two Time back to backWorld Series champion with the Toronto Blue Jays, Also played for the Chicago Cubs, Cleveland Indians, San Diego Padres, Baltimore Orioles, San Francisco Giants. 2003 was inducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame.
1964 Wanda Sykes actress The Simpsons, RIO
1970 Rachel Weisz Actress,The Mummy, The Simpsons
1972 Tylene Buck aka Major Gunns Russell formerly make Nitro Girl and WCW wrestler.
1980 Laura Prepon actress That 70’s show, Orange is the new Black, & Slackers.
1993 Tori Deal Reality TV star and Popstar.
1994 Devon Windsor model

1995 Hailey Clauson model for Gucci, Sports illustrated swimsuit issue

#onthisday #thisdayinhistory #happybirthday #march #thebeatles #TheSimpsons #baseball #1 #AlexanderGrahamBel #StanleyCup #KingKong #MichaelJackson #waynegretzky #BreakingBad #JoeCarter #torontobluejays #ChicagoCubs #ClevelandIndians #SanDiegoPadres #baltimoreorioles #SanFranciscoGiants #StevieWonder #WillieNelson #DanAykroyd #BetteMidler