On This Day
October 23
Mole Day
TV Talk Show Host Day
1707 Parliament of Great Britain meets for the first time.
1910 The Philadelphia Athletics win the World Series over the Chicago Cubs,
1958 The Smurfs make their first appearance in a cartoon called La Flute a six Schtroumpfs.

1970 The Wizard of Gore is released in movie theaters directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis started Ray Sager
1970 Blue Flame with Bary Gablich behind the wheel sets the land speed recorded 630.388 miles per hour.
1993 Toronto Blue Jays win their 2nd world series in row beating the Philadelphia Phillies 4 games to 2.
1995 The Smashing Pumpkins release their double album Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.
2007 Ween release the album La Cucaracha
Happy Birthday
1925 Johnny Carson TV Talk show host, comedian
1940 Pele Football greatest player Football Matser, 3 x world cup champion, All time top scorer of the world with 1283
1942 Michael Cricthon Director / Writer, Jurassic Park, Congo, Westworld
1957 Martin Luther King III Human Rights Activist

1959 Sam Raimi Film Director Spiderman, The Evil Dead
1972 Jasmin St. Claire Adult Entertainer and Pro Wrestler

1976 Ryan Reynolds Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place, Harold & Kumar
1986 Briana Evigan Scream Queen Sorority Row, Stash House
1995 Ireland Baldwin model and daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger
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