On This Day
July 24
Cousins Day
Tequila Day
1904 Henri Cornet wins the 2nd running of Tour de France
1950 Bummer rocket is the inaugural launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
1963 The Bluenose II sets sail from Nova Scotia
1965 The Beach Boys release the song California Girls
1967 The film Double Trouble premieres starring Elvis Presley
1969 Muhammad Ali is convicted for not going to war
1974 Death Wish starring Charles Bronson opens in movie theatres
1975 Space Shuttle Apollo 18 lands the Pacific Ocean
1976 Hall and Oates release the single She’s Gone
1978 Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band opens in theatres
1983 The Pine Tar Incident George Brett of the Royals losses home run in game vs Yankees
1987 La Bamba a film about Ritchie Valens opens in theatres
1996 The film A Time to Kill hit theaters directed by Joel Schumacher starring Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock, Charles S. Dutton,
2005 After winning 7 Tour de France races in a row Lance Armstrong retires
Happy Birthday
1941 Ed "Honest Ed" Mirvish Toronto Businessman ran Honest ED's department Store, & Mirvish Productions & Royal Alexandra Theatre
1941 Dizzy Gillespie born Rudy Collins Blues master
1946 Gallagher comedian
1949 Michael Richard actor in the TV Seinfeld
1952 Gus Van Sant film director Drugstore Cowboy, Good Will Hunting
1963 Karl “The Mail Man” Malone NBA great
1964 Barry Bonds controversial MLB player
1969 Jennifer Lopez pop star actress Godess
1975 Torrie Wilson model wrestling manager
1987 Zack Sabre Jr. Pro Wrestler for NJPW
1998 Bindi Irwin Wildlife Warrior
We Remember
1980 Peter Sellers actor
#July24 #July #TourdeFrance #Nasa #rocket #spaceshuttle #NovaScotia #thebeatles #elvispresley #muhammadali #DeathWish #charlesbronsom #HallandOates #KansaCityRoyals #Royals #newyorkyankees #LaBamba #RichieValens #LanceArmstrong #dizzygillespie #Blue #comedian #Seinfeld #jenniferlopez #BarryBonds #TorrieWilson #TequilaDay #CousinsDay #CaliforniaGirls #Apollo18 #Apollo #MLB #mlb #baseball #MatthewMcConaughey #SandraBullock #samuelljackson #CharlesSDutton #DonaldSutherland #KieferSutherland